
My name is Evan Novak

I am a software professional and enthusiast, with an interest in software that scales up to handle big problems, and down to handle small ones.

When I'm not working on software, you can often find me still at my desk playing management, automation, and space games, in the gym, spending time with my wife, or in the kitchen making soap. You can reach out to me via email by clicking here.

What is this website?

Right now, this website is just a single HTML page, with some CSS and a tiny piece of JS to obfuscate my mailto link. The idea is that this will be enough for me to have a landing page and build up.

In the future, I may replace this with output from a static site generator, probably Hugo. Until then, expect this page to get longer over time.

Everything is hosted on Codeberg pages, with the repository here.

What am I working on?

Early March, 2025

Other than this website, I'm feeling very inspired by some microcontroller PDA projects I've seen online. Examples like this one and this one are what I have been seeing. My current plan is to start in Micropython, and make something on my desktop that is capable of hitting the Todoist API, which is the application I use for task tracking. That should be easy to port over to an eventual microcontroller project.